Killian Perret-Gentil was born in 1993 and started his professional Jazz guitar studies at the HEMU (Haute Ecole de Musique) in Lausanne, Switzerland with Francis Coletta before moving to the Jazz Campus (Hochschule für Müsik) in Basel where he pursued his music studies with Wolfgang Muthspiel and Lionel Loueke. In parrallel, he attended contemporary music composition courses with Johannes Caspar Walter at the Musikakademie in Basel.

Holder of a Master in performance, production and composition, he is now active on the Swiss Jazz scene as a guitar and bass player as well as a contemporary music composer.


Ich kenne Killian Perret-Gentil als extrem weit fortgeschrittenen Musiker, der ein Verständnis für den Kanon des Jazz mitbringt, und die Sprache der Standards und des Bebop auf eindrucksvolle Weise beherrscht. Dennoch sind die von ihm ausgewählten musikalischen Projekte oft von einer radikalen, forscherischen Qualität.
Seine Kompetenz als Instrumentalist in technischer Hinsicht sowie sein Improvisationsvermögen sind als sehr hoch einzuschätzen.

Wolfgang Muthspiel

3. Oktober 2019

  • Guitar and bass duo album recorded with Larry Grenadier. – see article listen to tracks
  • Guitar player for Gaspard Sommer on his album “Les Couleurs Pastel”
  • Contemporary music composition: part for percussion trio, played at the Festival Akut in Basel.
  • Jazz composition: part for electric guitar and bass, played at JazzCampus Basel – see article
  • Various projects around experimental, contemporary, Jazz and Blues music – concerts and recordings.



Any collaboration project you have in mind around the Jazz, Blues, contemporary or experimental music, do not hesitate to get in touch, I will be happy to discuss it with you.

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