Killian Perret-Gentil playing on Focusyear Band 2023 Album - Until


Focusyear Band 2023 is touring Austria and Spain

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Killian Perret-Gentil playing on Focusyear Band 2023 Album - Until


Focusyear Band 2023 Album “Until” is out.

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Cours privés de guitare et de basse enseignés par Killian Perret-Gentil à Nyon et à Saint-Cergue


New guitar and bass lessons to start in September

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Killian Perret-Gentil with Focusyear '23 at Porgy and Bess, Vienna

28 July 2023

Focusyear Band ’23 – Release Tour

@ PORGY AND BESS in Vienna, Austria

5 August 2023

Focusyear Band ’23 – Release Tour

@ CASA DE ARRIBA in Vigo, Spain

29 July 2023

Focusyear Band ’23 – Release Tour

@ JAMBOREE in Barcelona, Spain

8 August 2023

Focusyear Band ’23 – Release Tour

@ ASSEJAZZ in Sevilla, Spain

4 August 2023

Focusyear Band ’23 – Release Tour

@ FILLOA JAZZ CLUB in Coruña, Spain

11 August 2023

Focusyear Band ’23 – Release Tour

@ JIMMY GLASS in Valencia, Spain

Killian Perret-Gentil playing on Focusyear Band 2023 Album - Until

The new Focusyear 2023 Band Album is out. It compiles few compositions of each one of the musicians of the 2023 Focusyear Band.

The album is available on all music platforms including Spotify.

Killian Perret-Gentil shares below the meaning behind his selected compositions:


Drill (by Killian): “This piece started as an exercise to copy the style of hip hop known as drill. What interested me was the idea of making music without any aspect of storytelling. The form is usually a four-bar loop that rappers constantly improvise on using the same rhythmic patterns. I tried to reproduce this effect using various compositional devices but allowed myself to depart from the tonal system and typical four-beat rhythmic cycle used in this style.”
Le règne de la quantité (by Killian): “In this piece, all the notes are written but nothing other than the pitches are specified. As jazz musicians we are very used to improvising melodies and chord progressions, so I wanted to explore what would happen if we could improvise on every parameter but the melody and chords. The material is derived from three series of three notes often creating very tense harmonies.”
Cours de guitare à Saint-Cergue et à Nyon

Pour plus de détails sur les nouveaux cours de guitare et de basse dispensés à Saint-Cergue et à Nyon, visitez la page “Teaching”. Elle est en français. Vous trouverez également le formulaire de demande d’inscription au bas de cette même page.
Merci de votre visite et à tout bientôt, j’espère.


Any collaboration project you have in mind around the Jazz, Blues, contemporary or experimental music, do not hesitate to get in touch, I will be happy to discuss it with you.

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